Why not buy a red, blue, green, yellow, orange, pink... T-Shirt for a change (depending on what suits you) and add a little colour to your appearance. Put some colour in your life:

And I would like to share something with you. I saw this in a German magazine (NIDO) this summer. Greta asked her parents: "How do the colours of the rainbow know what colour they are supposed to make?"

Too cute to be left unshared...
Warm regards,
Warm regards,
Good Morning Sunshine!
AntwortenLöschenWenn i be richtisch gesund, i will try to put (more) colours in my life (and hope i´m and the umwelt does not explosing *kicher*)
I think you will do one day in english and the other in germany (that is doch a good idea, so i can verbessern my english) wouldn`t you like to be my teacher :) ??
Greetings from a little better feeling Frl. Pilzrausch with much love ...
klasse! und das zitat wäre ja schon wieder einen scrap wert.
AntwortenLöschenlg kerstin
Liebes Fräulein,
AntwortenLöschenwas für ein geiler Post!!! Hab' mich halb weggeschmissen!!!
Liebe Grüße