Reise mit Abschied - Journey with an ending


Bilder einer Reise -
journey pictures: to the woodland burial site

Reading the book "this I know. notes on unraveling the heart" by Susannah Conway
on our four-hour-journey on the German Autobahn
to finally say good-bye.

Taken from the introduction of this wonderful book:

"People come and go in your life but they never leave your dreams.
Once they are in your subconscious, 
they are immortal."
(Patricia Hampl)


going back home ... picture taken from the car

- This. The most personal story on my blog so far. -

1 Kommentar

  1. Trauriger, dennoch schöner Post!
    Deine Fotocollagen sind so toll!!!!
    Das Buch lese ich auch gerade...
    Menschen gehen vielleicht von dieser Erde, aber niemals aus unserem Herzen!!!!


Vielen Dank für Deinen Kommentar. THANK YOU for your comment ♥.