Crate Paper | GOals Mini Album
I want to share a cute way to display 2019 goals. I decided to go for documenting my GOals in a handmade journal - a GOals Mini Album. And I made a page for each month to track my progress. You can find out more on the Crate Paper Blog today.
Suggested goals:
- practice mindfulness (spend quality time with yourself, enjoy the little moments, be thankful for what you have, etc.)
- exercise three times a week (running, playing Volleyball, take the stairs instead of the elevator, etc.)
- spend quality time with your family (long breakfasts on the weekends, go for walks together, play games, etc.)
- help a person in need (smile, be kind, offer a seat on the tram, etc.)
- write down three good things that happened to you (write these down at least three times a week)
- think about how you can improve to be a good and caring person (write down thoughts regularly in the course of a month)

Now hop on over to the Crate Paper Blog to find out more.
Thank you for stopping by on my blog.
Have a wonderful day, yours Sandra.
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